Compliance & Safety

Established in 1990, Asmark became a well-respected and established provider of risk management services and products to the agricultural industry. The first fifteen years amassed a very unique collection of intellectual property, educational training materials, software technologies and compliance assistance materials, services and systems, all geared specifically to the retail agricultural sector. The Institute was formed on September 1, 2005 as a private, not-for-profit educational organization, to provide the resources necessary to effectively support, lift and advance those it serves.  With many years of partnership, Asmark has been OABA's preferred compliance and safety training resource for its members.   

Asmark Institute has become a trusted national resource center serving the agricultural retail industry. Asmark serves retail agribusinesses, state and national trade associations, educational institutions and government agencies. The Institute is recognized for:

  • Providing compliance materials and services,
  • Developing common sense solutions to new regulatory requirements,
  • Assisting the government in its mission of protecting life, property and the environment,
  • Monitoring enforcement activity for uniformity, and
  • Supporting industry efforts to arrive at fair and reasonable regulation.

Asmark imagines innovative new tools and methods for clients to streamline the process of maintaining compliance with various federal and state agency regulations.

•Snapshots Management Dashboard • Handi-Plan • ProFiles Database • Electronic Service Program

 Asmark solves the dilemma of understanding large complex regulations by breaking them into simplified, routine tasks for our clients.

•Nurse Tank Inspection Program • Driver Qualification Files • Training on DVDs

Asmark builds solutions designed to elevate the retail agricultural industry to a higher standard of both Safety and Compliance.

•Compliance Wizard • Compliance Assessment Tool • Lifecycle Tank Management Program

 Asmark collaborates with clients, affiliates, regulators, and stakeholders to create and maintain efficient systems for maintaining high rates of audit success.

•MyRMP Suite of Guidance • MySPCC Suite of Guidance • Security Vulnerability Assessment

 Asmark leads the industry in providing custom services and products that enable the Retail Ag Industry to preserve life, property, and the environment on the highest possible level.

•CoRE • Ammonia Technician Course • Professional Applicator Training •ResponsibleAg

Lighthouse Retainer Program

Asmark Institute services are provided through the Lighthouse retainer program. Basically a “time and material” type of service, the retainer has been proven to help clients control their costs associated with regulatory requirements. The retainer covers our labor. Materials such as postage, UPS, printed materials and programs are billed for reimbursement. The total expense of our retainer program for the average location is less than $2,500 per year. This is the most comprehensive, efficient and cost-effective program in the United States.

Compass Services & Products

For customers that need a little help in certain areas, the Asmark Institute's Compass line of services and products may be just the answer. Just as a compass helps you find your way, these tools will save time and help to make your compliance effort easier and more focused for better results.