Safety Resources

The Ohio AgriBusiness Association supports and promotes the safety and health of workers in Ohio’s agribusinesses. Below are resources that can help members achieve their goals for their safety and health programs.


BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene

BWC’s Division of Safety and Hygiene (DSH) works to improve safety, reduce risk factors, and provide information on other occupational safety and health topics. They provide free safety and health consulting through loss prevention services to assist in addressing site-specific hazards at individual locations. You can also take advantage of their other safety services as well. DSH offers a wide range of services for all industries at no additional cost to employers, including safety education and training and the BWC safety and video library. Call 800-OHIO-BWC for more information on services or policies.

OSHA Consultation

The Ohio On-Site Consultation Program is a specialized DSH program that offers free and confidential safety and health assistance for private employers.  OSHA's On-Site Consultation Program offers no-cost and confidential occupational safety and health services to small- and medium-sized businesses in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and several U.S. territories, with priority given to high-hazard worksites. On-Site Consultation services are separate from enforcement and do not result in penalties or citations. Consultants from state agencies or universities work with employers to identify workplace hazards, provide advice for compliance with OSHA standards, and assist in establishing and improving safety and health programs.

In Ohio, contact the OSHA Consultation Program at 800-282-1425 or contact Laura Mattimoe at 419-350-4884 or

 OSHA Compliance Assistance

OSHA has been protecting workers for over 50 years through onsite inspections, outreach, training, and safety grants. Their employees are always available to assist in answering compliance related questions and providing guidance on a variety of workplace hazards. OSHA’s website offers extensive information for the agricultural service industry including Grain Safety and Process Safety Management for Ammonia. OSHA Compliance Assistance Specialists promote and help implement OSHA's cooperative programs, including the Voluntary Protection Programs, the Strategic Partnership Program, and the Alliance Program. Compliance Assistance Specialists can provide general information about OSHA's compliance assistance resources and how to comply with OSHA standards. You can find your local Compliance Assistance Specialists at Compliance Assistance Specialist Directory.