About OABA
OABA membership is an investment in the success of individuals serving Ohio agriculture.
We bring the people of Ohio’s agribusinesses together to advance their collective causes, build their skills and support the next generation of leaders. We empower individuals through continuous training, education and leadership development to further refine the skills of employees and keep them on the fast track to success.
We help members prepare for workforce retirements by focusing on succession planning through our AMP'T (Advancing Modern Professionals for Tomorrow) program, a robust short course designed to fill the looming leadership void.
To ensure industry-wide collaboration and partnership, we are engaged with key state and national agricultural organizations and partners representing various segments of our membership.
We help our member companies educate and train their employees with a variety of OABA safety, technology and professional development programs.
Along with our member companies, and through our Educational Trust, we grant more than $45,000 in annual scholarships to students enrolled in an agriculture-related major.
Advocating for the best interests of our members is at the heart of OABA’s mission.
Through legislative visits and representation at the state and federal levels, we educate and engage public officials and strategic partners on policy issues affecting our members.
OABA members also have access to exclusive and dynamic education programs to help agribusinesses attract, retain and develop their internal talent.
- We help members achieve a more secure business climate by engaging our federal and state governments for common sense regulatory and legislative reform.
- We advocate for a sensible and sustainable regulatory environment, including responsible nutrient management, water quality improvements, grain handling safety and much more.
- We encourage member involvement in the political process to ensure their voice is heard.
- We help our members stay in regulatory compliance through a partnership with the Asmark Institute.
- We ensure our members stay abreast of important issues impacting Ohio agribusiness through regular member communications and networking opportunities.
- We actively engage with our board, Public Policy Committee and member companies to learn firsthand about policy issues impacting their segment of the industry.
An OABA membership is an investment in the growth of your industry. 
By aligning and advocating for our member companies and individuals, we advance opportunities to keep Ohio agriculture thriving.
Nowhere is this more apparent than at our annual Industry Conference, where members and industry experts network and build on collective expertise to help our members expand their knowledge, increase the effectiveness of their business and become better at what they do.