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OABA Joins Agricultural Stakeholders in Opposition to California's Proposition 12

The Ohio AgriBusiness Association (OABA), along with several agricultural industry trade associations, has expressed significant concerns to the House Agricultural Leadership regarding California's Proposition 12. This legislation, which sets minimum space requirements for breeding pigs, egg-laying hens, and veal calves, is set to take full effect in 2024 and impacts pork sold in California, regardless of its origin.

Proposition 12 has far-reaching implications for pork producers nationwide, potentially disrupting interstate commerce and impacting pork supply chains. OABA and its partners argue that the legislation imposes substantial economic burdens on farmers due to the cost of facility renovations and compliance, potentially leading to increased pork prices and reduced availability for consumers.

OABA urges the House Agricultural Leadership to consider the practical challenges and economic impacts of Proposition 12, advocating for a balanced approach that ensures animal welfare without compromising farmers' viability and food supply stability.

For more information and the complete text of the stakeholders' letter, click here.

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