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Now Open - Virtual Anhydrous Ammonia Safety Training

Course available until May 31

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Because of space limitations and more demand than seats at our 2024 in-person Anhydrous Ammonia Safety Workshops as well as a high rate of employee changes and interns coming in, OABA’s Safety & Risk Management subcommittee has planned additional Anhydrous Ammonia Safety Workshop trainings for 2024 in an online, on-demand format. Since the 2022 online version is not outdated at this time the committee is making the virtual workshop, designed to help participants become more aware of the chemical properties, proper handling, cautions and hazards when working with anhydrous ammonia, equipment, and containment available through May 31, 2024. The training features experts from both within and outside of the industry, including those from the Ohio Public Utilities Commission.

Once registered, within 2 business days participants will receive an email with a link to the online course. Please provide a valid, unique email for all participants when registering. Participants must attentively watch all video portions and complete the assessment at the end of the course in order to receive a Certification of Completion. Upon completion of the course, the Certificate of Completion will be emailed directly to the participant. The course must be completed no later than May 31.

Complete event details are available at 


Click here to learn more and register. 

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