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Governor Appoints Bill Tom to the Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Commission

We’re pleased to share that Bill Tom, vice president of risk management/customer solutions for Trupointe Cooperative, Inc. has been appointed by Gov. John Kasich to the Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Bill’s term begins immediately and runs through June 30, 2018.

The Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Commission dates back to 1941 when the 94th General Assembly enacted House Bill 646, which established the Ohio Soil Conservation Committee with five members, three farmers and two ex-officio representatives. The principal responsibility of Ohio's Soil and Water Conservation Commission (OSWCC) is to ensure that Ohio counties are served by effectively administered, adequately supported soil and water conservation districts. More specifically, the commission’s responsibilities include:

The Ohio AgriBusiness Association congratulates Bill on this opportunity and we look forward to his leadership on conservation issues in Ohio.

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